· What is a web browser? How does it work?
It is a software program that interprets the coding language of the World Wide Webin graphic form, displaying the translation rather than the coding. This allows anyone to “browse the Web” by simple point and click navigation, bypassing the need to know commands used in software languages.
· What is a bookmark?
It is a page keeper. A reader inserts a bookmark into the pages of a book when he or she stops reading. This way when it's time to read again, the reader can open the pages where the bookmark is to find the place in the book where he or she left off at rather than trying to remember the page number. Bookmarks save having to flip through the book and read sentences trying to find the exact place to re-start reading the book. A bookmark can be made from many different materials from a simple piece of cardboard to a specially made plastic clip to an ornately embellished fabric creation. Bookmarks may be mass produced and sold in stores or may be hand made.
· What is the purpose of a web [browser] cache?
It is pronounced as
cash, cache memory is extremely fast memory that is built into a computer’s
central processing unit (
CPU), or located next to it on a separate chip. The CPU uses
cache memory to store instructions that are repeatedly required to run programs, improving overall system speed. The advantage of
cache memory is that the CPU does not have to use the
motherboard’s system bus for data transfer. Whenever data must be passed through the system bus, the data transfer speed slows to the motherboard’s capability. The CPU can process data much faster by avoiding the bottleneck created by the system bus.
· What is a web [browser] plugin?
Also known as a browser add-on, a
web browser plugin is a set of software components that can be added to a browser to increase its capabilities. The functionality of a
plugin can range from something simple like giving the user the ability to enlarge images or something more complex, such as scanning for viruses or blocking advertisements. A
plugin can be created by the company that developed the browser or, more often than not, the users of the browser.
· Choose three types of web browsers and answer the following questions for each browser.
Internet Explorer
Firefox (also called Mozilla Firefox)
1. How do you enable tabbed browsing? private browsing?
To open a new blank tab, click the New Tab button on the tab row or press CTRL+T. To open a new tab from a link on a webpage, press CTRL as you click the link, or right-click the link and then click Open in New Tab. If you have a mouse with a wheel, you can click a link with the wheel to open it in a new tab.
To make a new tab, click the New Tab button on the right side of the last tab. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T.
You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T
- How do you set homepages?
In the Add or Change Home Page dialog box, do one of the following:
· To make the current webpage your only home page, click Use this webpage as your only home page.
· To start a home page tab set or to add the current webpage to your set of home page tabs, click Add this webpage to your home page tabs.
· To replace your existing home page or home page tab set with the webpages you currently have open, click Use the current tab set as your home page. This option will only be available if you have more than one tab open in Internet Explorer.
· Click Yes to save your changes.
1. Open up the website you want to be your home page. If you want a blank home page, open a new tab.
2. Click on the icon to the left of the web address, drag it to the Home button and then let go.
3. Click Yes to set this as your home page.
Pick the page you'd like to be your home page in the "Home page" section. You can select to use the
New Tab page as your home page. To use another page, select "Open this page" and enter the web address of the page you'd like to use.
- How do you customize search providers?
· You'll see a "Change Preferences" button about three-quarters of the way down the window. Click on it.
· You will now see a window with the heading "How Do You Want To Use Search Companion?" You want to click the arrow that says "Change Internet Search behavior."
· After you click the arrow, you'll be taken to the Internet Search Behavior window. There are two radio buttons to choose from. The first one gives you the option of continuing to search with Search Companion, or search with Classic Internet Search. Neither one give you any more screen real estate, so it is entirely up to you.
· Below these Search Behavior options, you'll see the box with various search engines listed. Just click on the one you want, and that's the one that Search Companion will search with.
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Browse to a site you'd like to search from the search bar.
4. Right-click in that site's own search bar and choose Add to search bar.
5. Type the name you'd like Firefox to display when no search parameters are entered.
6. Accept the icon or browse to choose another on your PC.
7. Enter a keyword (optional).
8. Click Ok.
- Add a new search engine: Enter a nickname for the search engine.
- Keyword: Enter the text shortcut you want to use for the search engine. Use the keyword to do keyword searches.
- URL: Enter the web address for the search engine. Learn how to find this URL
- How do you bookmark a page? How do you organize your book marks?
Bookmark a Page:
- Click on "Favorites".
- Click on "Add to Favorites...".
- When box pops up click on the folder that you want to add the bookmark to and then click "OK", or just click on "OK" without clicking on a folder to add to your general favorites category.
Organize bookmarks:
- Click on "Favorites".
- Click on "Organize Favorites..."
- When box pops up click on the bookmark you want to move and drag it to the folder you want to add it to.
- Create a new folder by clicking on "Create Folder".
- Rename folders by clicking on the folder you want to rename and clicking on "Rename Folder".
1. Take a look at the very top of the toolbar on your Mozilla Firefox window. Count five tabs from the left to reach the Bookmarks tab. Click your cursor on this tab to allow the drop-down menu to open.
2. Move your cursor down the drop-down menu until you highlight the words "Bookmark This Page."
3. Click "Bookmark This Page" to open the "Add Bookmark" box. It will allow you to save the bookmark in a specific folder.
4. Know that the first line in the box is the name of the URL. If you wish to change the name to something shorter, highlight the name and type the new name. The second line in the box is where you will select the folder to save your bookmark in.
5. Select the folder you would like to save your bookmark in by choosing the correct one from the drop-down menu. Whatever folder you choose will now show up in the "Create In" line. Click OK. The URL is now saved in your bookmarks.
6. Click on Bookmark Toolbar if you'd like to save the URL in the bookmark toolbar. The toolbar will show up three lines down from the top of your window, under the URL address box. It allows you easier access to a select number of bookmarks.
7. Select the URL from the site address bar. Click and drag it to the Bookmarks Toolbar for a faster way to add sites to the Toolbar.
When you click the

icon to create a book, a mini-dialog appears to confirm the addition. Customize your new bookmark in the dialog:
- Edit the bookmark label in the "Name" field.
- By default, the bookmark is placed in your most recently used bookmark folder. You can use the "Folder" menu to choose another location. Bookmarks can only be in one folder at a time.
- If you created the bookmark on accident, click Remove to undo the addition of the bookmark.
- If you want to tweak the bookmark's URL, click Edit. Otherwise, click Close to add the bookmark.
- How do you clear the cache?
- Once your browser is open, click the Tools menu. Or, optionally you may simply press Ctrl-Shift-Delete to open the Delete Browsing History window (and skip step 2)
- Click on Delete Browsing History..
- Select Temporary Internet Files.
- Click the Delete button near the bottom of the window to delete your temporary files (i.e. clear your cache).
- If you want the browser to automatically clear the cache whenever you close it, click the Advanced tab. Click to check the box next to the Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed option (in the section labeled Security). Click OK. This will delete everything except cookies.
- Click the Tools menu, then select Clear Recent History.
- Choose the time range of cache you'd like to clear.
- Click on Details and make sure Cache is checked.
- Select Clear Now.
1. Once your browser is open, select the Tools menu (the wrench in the upper-right corner) and select Options (Preferences on Mac).
2. On the Under the Hood tab, click the Clear Browsing data... button.
3. Select the Empty the cache check-box.
4. You can also choose the period of time you wish to delete cached information using the Clear data from this period dropdown menu.
5. Click the Clear Browsing Data button.
- How do you install a plugin?
- Review information about any plugin before installing it. Search the web for user reviews and technical information. Make sure the plugin does not include spyware or adware. Read the privacy policy, user agreement and instructions thoroughly.
- Make sure you have administrative rights on your computer so that you can download and install programs. Go to "user accounts" in the control panel. Check your user status.
- Answer a prompt to download a plugin. This will usually come up when you try to run an application that requires a plugin. Once you know the plugin is safe and necessary, click "Yes" or "Install" to install the plugin. If the plugin does not download and install automatically, you may need to download it manually.
- Download plugins from the software developer's website or from download sites like download.com. Make sure you are downloading from a legitimate, well known site. Click the "download" or "download now" button.
- Save the plugin installer. It's usually easiest to save downloads to your desktop. In some cases, you will be required to install the plugin to a specific directory, such as the "Application Data" folder under your username in "Documents and Settings."
- Wait until you see the message "Download complete." Double-click the installer icon. Follow any prompts. Close open Internet Explorer browser windows if prompted to do so. Click "Finish" when the installation is complete.
- Open Internet Explorer. Visit a website that requires the plugin to make sure it has been installed properly.
1. Open a new browser window using Firefox.
2. Go to the Firefox plugins Web page (see Resources below).
3. Browse through the list of plugins that are available. Choose from items such as Shockwave, Windows Media Player and Quicktime.
4. Look beneath the plugin you'd like to download. Find your operating system and click the version number link listed beneath it. You'll be re-routed to the downloads page for the specific plugin you wish to add.
5. Look for the 'Download' or 'Download Now' button and click it. You may be prompted to save a file. Click 'Save File.' A dialog box will show the download progress. When the download is complete, click 'Clean Up.'
6. Open the plugin after it finishes downloading. If you left the default setting in place, the plugin will be on your desktop. Simply clicking the icon will install it in Firefox.
1. First you should
download and Dev Channel installer from the Chromium Developer
2. Next, right click on the chrome icon, click on properties and type the following” To Enable Plugins: –enable-plugins, To Enable Extensions: –enable-extensions, To Enable Greasemonkey Scripts: –enable-greasemonkey and click “Apply”
3. You have all three at a time for better compatibility like this – enable-plugins –enable-extension –enable-greasemonkey.
4. You are all set to install Plugins, Greasemonkey and Extensions in the Chrome Browser. Just start the browser and get
sample extension page.
- How do you save pages offline?
1. Uninstall Internet Explorer 7 or later to get back to IE6. Internet Explorer version 6 has an option to save pages offline. You can also download Internet explorer 6 directly from Microsoft (see Resources below). When you open Internet Explorer version 6, choose "Add To Favorites" and select the "View Offline" check box. This will download the web page and one level of click-through links to other pages.
2. Save one page at a time. Log on to the website that you want to view offline. Go to the "File" menu and choose "Save As" and select web archive. You can also save as HTML and open the HTML page in Microsoft Word. You will have to save each individual page that you want to look at.
3. Use a web ripping software program. WebRipper (see Resources below) is one software program that grabs all of the information for a website. WebRipper is available free. Similar software packages include HTTrack and Instapaper (see Resources). All of these programs essentially copy pages of the website and save them on your local hard drive to open up while you are offline. These pages can be opened by your browser by pointing to the pages on your hard drive instead of a website address.
- On the Menu of your web browser, click File, Save As.
- If desired, type in a name that will help you remember what the web page is about. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Name it so you will remember it.
- Put it where you will find it. Just as you should with your documents, create folders and a place to save your web pages so you can find them later.
- Click Save and you are done.
2. After install, open any webpage in Chrome and click Chrome Scrapbook button on the toolbar.
3. Then click ‘Save this page’ to download and save current webpage locally on your computer. Similarly you can save multiple webpages in Chrome browser. This does not work on protected webpages using https setting.
4. To view all saved webpages click Chrome Scrapbook button and then click ‘show list of saved webpages’. There you can click to view saved webpages or delete them as per requirement.